Q&A with Kylie Brant!
DEADLY DREAMS, book 5 in the Mindhunters series will be released in April 2011 and Mortal SINS in August 2011.

1. Tell us about your newest release.DEADLY INTENT is book iv of my acclaimed Mindhunters series. The books are generally connected, involving characters who run for the same forensics firm that consult with law enforcement on high profile crimes. In this story, forensic linguist Macy Reid and fellow investigator Kellan Burke are paired up to track an eleven-year-old daughter who has been kidnapped-for the 2nd time.
2. Can you assure us a little about your favorite scene in the story?There were a few of them : Kell was a fun hero to write. He spends more time than he should trying to provoke a reaction from Macy. In one scene, they are running together in her way after 'lifting' a charge from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation officers that they're working with. When one of the CBI agents knocks at Macy's door, she silently orders Kell into the bathroom. He refuses to go. She manages to.ah.gain his cooperation, and her efforts bring a smile every time I take it! The report is so suspenseful as they run against the time to determine the girl, that the lighter scenes are a bit of relief.3. When did you first see you wanted to be a writer?When I discovered that my favourite authors couldn't write fast enough to save me in reading material! I decided to publish to spend the sentence while waiting for their next books. I never stopped.4. Where do you get your data or ideas for your stories?
With the Internet, research is sooo much easier than it used to be. I wish to use real experts in several fields to add credibility to my plots. It's so much simpler to create contacts via the net. For this book, I spoke with an assistant director for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, an adept in security systems, and a man who makes masks. I also talked to wilderness experts in Colorado.
As for the ideas.I ever tell people that I take a blue side, LOL!5. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?I'm not sure it's all that interesting. But I give to solve a work a few men of online bridge before I can sink down to write. This, of course, after I've checked email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.6. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?I'm always amazed at the unselfishness of people I contact. Not everyone responds to my emails but about half do. And I'm so appreciative when people give of their sentence to let me into their world, just a little. I'm kind of a research fanatic and I need to be certain I throw my facts straight. I get to speak to amazing people with intriguing jobs in the trend of researching the books. As a result, I'm a fount of random bits of trivia, most of it unfitting for dinner conversation : But hey, you never know when details on defleshing bones might fall in handy.7. What authors or friends influenced you in helping you get a writer?I think my favourite authors influenced me, simply by writing marvelous books, filled with characters I didn't need to let go of after the stories ended. I was divine by authors like Nora Roberts, Linda Howard, Elizabeth Lowell and Patricia Gardner Evans.8. What does your family think about your career as a published author? My kids' most frequent reaction to that doubt is "ka-ching" . They lean to be impressed by advance checks. Other than that, I get my part of teasing from them. My husband is my biggest fan-he reads all my books.9. Besides writing, what other interests do you have?I also teach full-time in an elementary special education classroom. Any free time we bear we wish to spend hanging out with friends and family. In the return we drop a lot of weekends tailgating at football games with some of the kids and their friends.10. Can you order us about what`s coming up next for you writing wise? 
Learn more about Kylie and her books by visiting her site at http://www.kyliebrant.com/
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