Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Letra Get Outta My Way Kylie Minogue
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Pop Reviews Now: #4: Kylie Minogue - Get Outta My Way
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
three little birds sat on my window. - Diving For Hearts (Izzie .
Monday, December 20, 2010
SFR Brigade: Hailing On All Frequencies!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Celebrity Control Wear Secrets
Desirable silhouettes
Every culture has its theme of the ideal form for a woman, and all the women belonging to that culture will try to meet this ideal regardless of their natural propensity. Who determines how the perfect woman should expect is debatable, but there is no doubt it is region of the mating ritual so that men will receive a woman desirable and need to give her for his mate.
Different cultures have different ideas of peach and some cultures like their women fat, others like them thin. Sometimes it`s colour of hair or eyes, other times it`s body fitness, long legs, long necks or wide hips, but normally it`s the myth (often unconscious) that certain shapes, styles or color will set the healthiest women for child bearing in place to fulfil our biological purpose to perpetuate the species.
When you feel back through the centuries at the different styles of do it becomes obvious that extremes of fashion usually look at a sentence of richness and leisure. It was but the very rich who could give such luxuries of extreme styles. The short had to have do with whatsoever they could find, or have themselves, to extend their bodies for heat and decency. During times of hardship the styles became more pragmatic and less elaborate. After the 1st World War some modern women shocked the globe by wearing bloomer like trousers when riding the new contraption called a bicycle.
In some ways things have not changed much today. The noted and wealthy spend an unreasonable amount of metre and money on what they fatigue and the way they see and aim to make an effigy of the perfect male or female form for the sleep of us to emulate. To that end they go on diets, have surgery or inject Botox, spend time with personal trainers and run out etc. As good as all that they find a motive to repair to see wear to make certain there are no bulges or creases to mar their pure form.
When I was a very skinny teenager, Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield were the models for female perfection with large breasts and small waists. I had the low waist but that was nearly all. Later on came Twiggy with her slender body and legs and I would have been the requisite shape but unfortunately by then I had produced 3 children and could now emulate the old models.
Today in the UK women need to find comfortable so they opt for shapewear that gives a full outline without too much restriction over stockings suspenders or corsets.
History of Control Wear and Body Shaping Forms.
Throughout history there seems to have been a motive to transfer the female anatomy or to alter it in some way. If you feel backwards to the Elizabethan times, their huge wide skirts and flat fronts made women feel like cardboard cut-outs. The skirts were so extensive they would take to go sideways to go through doorways. Later there came differing amounts of bust enhancement, hip or bottom enhancement, waist constriction and full skirts, as good as all the many variations in sleeve styles, neckline and collars, overskirts, underskirts, I could go on forever. Changing the body line seems to have been an obsession from the mid sixteenth century
The earlier known control wear appearing during the sixteenth Century were called `pavre of bodies` which contained the upper body in the pattern of a conoid or cylinder. These forms later became the more familiar `stays` which were made of woods or whale bone. The thought was to charge the face of the trunk and in doing so push up the breasts so they bulged out of the top of the bodice. During one stage of the more promiscuous 18th century period, the nipples were encouraged to peep out, no question to tickle the male desire. Illegitimate babies were the average and not treated as disgraceful during this time.
Stays were considered an indispensable point to preserve the figure straight by encouraging the back, tightening the middle and improving posture. The restriction at the waist prevented bending and forced women to use their legs for lifting and thereby protecting their backs. Stays survived until the later eighteenth century when the empire style became into fashion around 1796. The bust was contained and pushed up by short stays and the waist line was just beneath the raid so that the natural waist line was disguised. The empire style of dress allowed for a big deal more freedom of effort for women and was greeted with joy by the young ladies of the time.
When the waistline returned to its natural position the body restriction reappeared in the 1830`s. And the term `corset` was exploited for the 1st sentence in English. Its use was to cinch the waist and bear the breasts. During Victorian times the ideal form was an 18 inch waist with a broad wide skirt supported by hoops to the floor. Ankles could not be seen and busts were emphasised but covered with lace for modesty. The work I think was driven by the rude form of the new Victoria but magnified to make a fashion. To get this business the women forced themselves into whalebone corsets which were long, extending down beyond the natural waist line thus resulting in serious body-shaping. They were tied at the second therefore a maid was required to secure the laces as they could not do or undress themselves. To develop a tiny waist some women would get the corset pulled so close they could scarcely breathe. This then pushed the breasts upwards and compressed the inner organs.
During this period fainting was an art and it came easily when there was no way to rest and everything else was squashed; added to that, the dark air was considered bad for your health, so evening events became hot and stuffy. As a result dancing could make women in the most robust health to feel lightheaded so it`s not surprising women appeared to get from indifferent health.
A secure foundation body shaper enhances any clothes we resolve to break even if it`s only jeans. Body shapers are especially useful to cover the tell tale lines of suspenders underwear.
During the Edwardian period at the origin of the 1900`s the Prim style was replaced by the new look shaped profile. The heart was elevated and large, the waist small with a large bustle at the backbone to make a completely unrealistic female shape. The presence of the duck went directly down to the feet and thither were many flounces tiered down from the game often with trains for formal occasions which had to be picked up and held whilst walking or dancing. Later to make on this shape, leg-o-mutton sleeves were added for day wear; although for evenings low necklines and short capped sleeves were the norm. These elaborate dresses cost thousands of pounds in today`s money so that again but the prosperous could do in this way. The fair woman had to make do with home-made copies or simply plain gather skirts and plain bodices.During periods when there was a dearth of women, probably due to laborious study and having too many children, the men became the most fashion conscious and robed in vivid colors to draw the females, while the women wore dowdy colours and wore the hair pulled back and plain.
What is incorrect with our natural shape?
When you see the pictures by Degas of ladies bathing you will see that they are well rounded with tummies, big bottoms and legs probably with cellulite and considerably developed breasts. Very few of the women would be below a UK size 16. They still wore stays but generally I suspect it was to defend the breasts rather than reduce the thighs and hips. Gok in his TV programme `How to Look Good Naked` encourages women to be convinced about their bodies and focuses on choosing the good dress to emphasize their best features. His success lies in the fact that afterwards they have gone through this transformation, the women all look much more positive and glad with the way they are.
However choosing the good foundation garments is necessary to better strength and make a legato line to offer a sound ground to have the near of the dress that are situated on top.
Modern Control wear - What Spanx can do for you?
Modern Control wear offers women the alternative of living and white lines, without the limitation of movement experienced with the old fashioned corset. Spanx power panties seem to be the latest rage in control wear these days. I make not really had the pleasure myself but I think a friend saying to me last year `Power Panties are wonderful`. Old fashioned corsets are still worn by some people but gradually as the younger generation feel the demand for some sort of living they are sounding to the more modern control wear used by celebrities such as Gwenyth Paltrow, Oprah Winfrey, Kylie Minogue and even Madonna. Sarah Blakely the break of Spanx could not find footless pantyhose to go with her cream trouser and open toed shoes. In her frustration she set out to tackle the 2 million dollar hosiery industry. Within 2 years she had perfected a production that combined all the elements women love about underwear and changing all the elements they don`t like to offer a comfortable slim-line bet with no VPL (Visible Panty Line). She started an underwear revolution selling 50,000 of her Power Panties in the foremost 3 months and revolutionised an industry that was in a ten year slump. Spanx Power Panties have put underwear back where it belongs and changed control wear forever.
Basques - Corsets on the outside
In the more recent years of control wear there appeared a fashion accessory modelled on the old fashioned style corset but drawn on the exterior of the clothing. It seemed designed to show off the slim torso and raise the breasts by lifting them. These were commonly worn over a flimsy blouse type top, and were fashionable over the Christmas party period. The bodice was boned and came to a peak at the movement just under the waist. It could be drawn with a bird or even over trousers.
In most countries you leave not see women wearing basques, stockings and suspenders for normal everyday clothing and departure to the shops.
This mode of girdle is even available as underwear and is known as a `corset basque` or a `busk` and is redolent of the dress bodices seen in cowboy films worn by `the spirit of gold` hostess at the town`s hotel saloon. They are boned and wrought to produce the traditional hour glass figure and are like to the Victorian corset. Some are tied at the game but with no maids, very hard to do up. There are high cut legs and longer lines, often with suspenders so create that popular striper-gram look.
Some important points to think when wearing control wear are: uplifting pants will house the bottom; Padded bra`s will raise the breasts; a padded plunge gives a great cleavage; corsets and waist nippers will take inches off the waist but most importantly, if flesh should escape at waist or thigh it means your control wear is too tight.
When you looking at the story of fashion it seems that women are never satisfied with the work they were born with. Today more than in any former time in history we are allowed to make a more normal shape, but yet that has to be contained, smoothed, uplifted or cinched to get the female body more than perfect. There are now several programmes on TV which are promoting the message that natural is safe and we are alright the way we are. A little enhancement here and thither to take the near of the assets you receive is as often as you want to do. It is reported that men in general prefer women to feel real which for them is sexier than the extravaganza women think men want. Obviously they take their preferences for character and size and shape, but we can`t be all things to all men and the sooner women recognize that, the more prosperous they are passing to be. Men really prefer their women to be naturally beautiful without artefacts, enhancements or other false beauty aids
Since the appearing of Power Pants control wear lingerie has been transformed. Sarah Blakely has been described as the Pied Piper of the `wobbly bits brigade` and her success has reached 250 million in worldwide sales in the final year. Her products hold become `the control wear to have` and are drawn by all the `better people`. There is a mark for men wearing control wear so that they will not go out and buy such an item but wives and girlfriends are doing it for them. Manx the male version of Spanx is available on cable and is promoted as a backbone support while playing golf, being beneficial for position and long car journeys. Of grade one has to inquire if these men wear corsets are really wearing them for back support or a secret longing to see the pleasure of feminine lingerie!At the end of the day we all need to see our best and if that means wearing a control wear garment that is what people will do. People both men and women need to be liked and admired and all the fashion contortions are good to fill our dreams of existence the chosen one, the most beautiful or most popular. So however often we might care to think we don`t need these gimmicks, we all pay court to them in one way or another.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Blog, Blog, Blog: Buring Family Ancestors - A Brick Wall

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Kylie'smoms Yacht Club Vacation - Take Two!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Red-hot Kylie greets Prince Charles with a big smile at The .
Music Video Songs: Red-hot Kylie greets Prince Charles with a big .
By GEORGINA LITTLEJOHN Good evening, your Highness! Kylie Minogue greets Prince Charles with a radiant smile as she meets him within The Palladium at last night's Royal Variety PerformanceIf anyone could serve a man laugh off his blues, then surely Kylie Minogue is the woman for the job.The pop star certainly helped put a smile back on Prince Charles's face as she greeted him at the Royal Variety Performance last night just moments later his car was attacked by a mob of anarchists.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Jingle Bell Ball !010: The Saturdays, Kylie Minogue and JLS get .
ByDaily Mail Reporter Last updated at 10:22 AM on 6th December 2010
With less than 3 weeks until Christmas, the celebrities are coming out in strength to keep the holidays.
And girl band The Saturdays certainly looked in the gay spirit decked out in red and gold as they performed at last night`s Jingle Bell Ball at the O2 Arena in London.