Well, the 25th is fast approaching and for those of us who celebrate Christmas, I'd care to like you a good and relaxing holiday. May you keep this particular time of class with your family and friends and retrieve the true message behind the "ground for the season".Merry Christmas, Brigaders!NEW RELEASES
Jennifer Leelan and Mima are releasing their anthology BOUND AMONG THE STARS on Dec.20th at Liquid Silver Books.
Erica Hayes' Book 4 in the Shadowfae Chronicles, BLOOD CURSED, is due for free on 2nd August, 2011 in the US & UK.
Francis Pauli has a new release, her holiday diesel punk, LORDS OF OAK AND HOLLY. It came out on the 15th from Devine Destinies.

Laurie Green and Jennifer Hart have set in the HF/SF/F section of the RWA FFP On The Far Side contest. Final results below. Well done, ladies!
Hard SF/SF/F: Danielle Rose Poiesz, Editor, Penguin1st: Jennifer Hart - "Stellar Timing" 2nd: Elizabeth Struble - "StarWay to Paradise"3rd: Laurie Green - "The Outer Planets"
For a good set of results, click on this link. The SFR Brigade will be active in the SFR Holiday Blitz thisyear. The effect begins Monday morning, December 20th and lasts untilDecember 26th with free books to be awarded on December 27th. This isthe 2nd annual event and it's larger and improve for 2010, with 15participating blogs, and over 50 SFR books to be granted off by at least33 participating authors! Mark your calendar and stay tuned.
NEW COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER NEEDED! December 27th, 2010 will be my last week of posting Hailing On AllFrequencies! Due to time contraints, I'm signing off as chief collaterand information gatherer for this weekly round-up. If any Brigader wouldlike to get over this commission (feel free to use the same format ifyou like) then please contact Laurie Green and she'll happily let youtake your position on the bridge at the communications station. Thank you to everyone who's sent in information and snippets - it's been a pleasure promoting SFR and our Brigaders!Kylie Griffin - Comms OfficerBLOGGING
Maree Anderson has been a guest all this week at the following blogs (and giving out free copies of her latest release, FROM THE ASHES) - Dark Side DownUnder and Helene Young's blog.
Over at Kylie Griffin's blog this week. 13th Dec. - The 12 Years of Christmas - a light-hearted list of things to do before the big day
16th Dec. - Who's That Girl? Interview with Chris Taylor 19th Dec. - You Know You're a Paranormal Author When.poking fun (in a decent way, myself included) at those who write in this genre
23rd Dec. - Who's That Girl? Interview with Maggie Le Page - a writer who hails from Quake-City (Christchurch), New Zealand
25th Dec. - Christmas is.a sentence of giving books, of course!BOOK REVIEWS, GIVE-AWAYS & BOOK SIGNINGSFrancis Pauli kicked off book two of her Space Slug saga, a free SFR read. Both book one and the new, SLUG OPERA, can be ground at this link along with the Space Slug Galaxy Guide and Slugationary.Erica Hayes is visiting the Dark Side DownUnder blog on Thursday 16th Dec for Magic Thursday and is giving forth a transcript of POISON KISSED (Bk 3 in the Shadowfae Chronicles) to one lucky person who leaves a comment.INFORMATION OF Interest From the Irene Goodman Agency website. Might be of concern to some of you:
"Irene Goodman will be conducting a live webinar on Thursday, December 16th, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on How an Agent Picks a Client: From Question to Career.
This effect will make you an inside look at just what goes through an agent`s mind through each measure of the compliance process when making this all-important decision. And with this peek inside an agent`s mind, writers will see what makes a query letter stand out, what makes an agent request sample pages or a book proposal, and how agents evaluate single titles vs. a book series.
In gain to instructing, Irene Goodman will be taking questions live during the webinar. No question goes unanswered." Here is the registration link."All registrants are invited to take either a query letter or the 1st page of a manuscript (300 words or fewer for each) immediately afterwards the event. All submissions will receive a critique from the instructor. (All the instructor's funds will be donated to charity-specifically: the Foundation Fighting Blindness and the Deafness Research Foundation.)"
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