Delia Latham
On a dare, Kylie Matthews lands smack in the center of Solomon's Gate-Castle Creek's new Christian dating agency-and she finds herself revealing exactly what she's waiting for in a relationship: "The kiss that steals my breath away."
What she doesn't reveal is her want of self-esteem or her irrational reaction to facial disfigurement. Neither is applicable to her request to receive the perfect match. But that seemingly superficial malady becomes all-important when her first agency-arranged date is Rick Dale-a man who is everything Kylie is searching for. He's handsome, smart, fun. Rick has it all.including an angelic six-year-old girl with severe scarring on one face of her face.
Hard at work founding a therapy camp for young female victims of deformity or disfigurement, Rick wants Kylie to be a portion of those plans. She'd love to say yes.but how can she, when every contact with the facility's guests-and Rick's own daughter-will have her violently ill?
Kylie is set to take their relationship doesn't support a chance, but she's forgotten that God makes a way where there seems no way.
Well, first, I must say, I was not defeated by this sequel to Destiny`s Dream. Ms. Latham has once again created characters that are good and near to the heart.
Kylie`s true to life fears (after all, who isn`t afraid of something) make her very real. She`s the form of fiber you simply don`t know whether to know or hate at first. After all, how can she be so hardhearted to people who hold to contend through life facing their own deformities? But when you get right down to it, it`s not a prize she makes, to not be capable to face imperfections, it`s what was unknowingly planted in her mind by people who should have loved her, not judged her or compared her to anyone else-definitely a type of not judging someone else before you`ve walked a knot in their shoes. I wouldn`t have wanted to turn up in her family.
Kylie definitely has a center of sword and a sum of gold. She`s a sweetheart underneath all her insecurities.
So exactly like Rick, once you get beyond her irrational reactions, you can see her bosom of gold. And the way God uses Rick`s sweet girl to help Kylie see with her heart, not just her eyes, is unquestionably a marvelous moment.
Once again, kudos to this source for bringing such a terrific story to us. God bless you, Delia, keep them coming!