Publisher: White Rose Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Heat Rating: 1
On a dare, Kylie Matthews lands smack in the eye of Solomon's Gate-Castle Creek's new Christian dating agency-and she finds herself revealing exactly what she's waiting for in a relationship: "The kiss that steals my breath away.
What she doesn't reveal is her want of self-esteem or her irrational reaction to facial disfigurement. Neither is applicable to her request to recover the perfect match. But that seemingly superficial malady becomes all-important when her first agency-arranged date is Rick Dale-a man who is everything Kylie is searching for. He's handsome, smart, fun. Rick has it all.including an angelic six-year-old girl with severe scarring on one position of her face.
Hard at work founding a therapy camp for young female victims of deformity or disfigurement, Rick wants Kylie to be a portion of those plans. She'd love to say yes.but how can she, when every contact with the facility's guests-and Rick's own daughter-will have her violently ill?
Kylie is set to acknowledge their relationship doesn't support a chance, but she's forgotten that God makes a way where there seems no way.
Clare's Review
Kylie Matthews is as really a heroine as they come. Chunky with a bad hair day every day of the week, a moderately low self-esteem and a care that has pretty well ruined her life, she could easily be any one of us. Rick Dale is less than impressed when his blind date seeker from Christian dating agency Solomon`s Gate turns out to none other than the charwoman who tried to park her car in the back of his truck at a red light. The more he gets to fuck her, the more he likes her, but his secret could stop things before they still get started.
Kylie`s Kiss is the instant in the Solomon`s gate series, but you don`t want to get learn the beginning to love this one. With some recurring characters and a whole form of new ones, it stands alone on its own merit. With sections that had me laughing out cheap one moment and reach for the tissues the next, Ms. Latham has written another enthralling story that is unquestionably a kindle keeper.
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